Tuesday, March 24, 2015

The Shofar Blew

Today I heard about my nephew who has been battling with cancer for what seems like forever.  Physically he is on the mend.  Yet somehow along the way, what I imagined would have brought him closer to God seems to have placed him further away.  You see, we have been praying for his body to be healed, but we now need to pray for the part of him that matters most; His soul. 

I thought about his mom and what she must feel as he rejected the very God that she has been believing in for his healing.  I thought about him and wondered if maybe he thinks that this should not have been his journey if God really loved him.  I thought about my own son and remembered that it was only yesterday that I cried for him; weeping for his soul and the life that God has for him. 

And then the Shofar blew.  It was in prayer that I heard the sound of the shofar as it blew through the winds and into my consciousness.  It was a call to God and His purpose.  It was the call that I prayed that my son would hear and come home.  It is the call that I now pray that my nephews will hear as well.  You see, I have realized, and been reminded, that we cannot do this for them.

My mom says, we cannot and have not been called to “save” anyone. She says we feel the need to plant the seed, water the seed and then we want to be the one to cause the seed to increase.  We cannot.  It breaks our hearts, because these are our children.  We don’t want them to perish and neither does God.  What we can do is pray.  For what is impossible with men is possible for God.  He can draw them to Himself. He can teach them about Himself. He can speak to them about Himself.  It is not by might or power as much we may have, but God says it is by His spirit. 

I don’t understand it and today I don’t want to pretend as if I do.  I don’t see how he will take them from where they are now to where they ought to be - in Him.  However, I believe.  I believe that God is able!  Today I stand in His truth and I am hoping to encourage you to do the same.  Parents, may we pray one for another.  May we link our arms of faith with around each other.  May we be a source of encouragement to each other. 

Today, God I pray for the moms and dads with children that are not walking in your will. Father I pray that you will give us the words to say to them and teach us how to live out Christ before them.  Lord may we be doors that lead them to Christ and windows through which your light shines bright.  Father, may we be slow to anger and swift to show compassion and love. Guide us Lord along this journey.  Our children are a gift from you.  Lord they are like arrows in our hands.  Show us Lord, how to point them to that bulls eye of Christ. In Jesus’ name I pray, amen.

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