Monday, August 28, 2017

Combatting fear

I believe in God.
I believe in God the healer.
I believe that healing is the children's bread.
I believe that by Jesus' stripes I have healing.
I believe that God heals me of all my diseases and I will not forget His benefit plan.
I believe.
I believe.
Lord help my unbelief.

I'm battling fear even as I type with hands that burn me.
My condition they have said is carpal tunnel problems. The nature of my desk job has caused my right hand in particular to go numb and burn when I use it for extended periods. Simple things like combing my hair, writing or typing on this insanely small screen causes me problems. I have to stop and try to give my hands rest so as to regain normal sensation. This is my issue and I fear what will happen as the days become years. I worry about tomorrow and I fear not being able to use my hands. I realize that to some this seems silly and inconsequential. Maybe it is and I am up in arms about nothing. Yet I ask you to bear with me as I bear with you.

Your issue may be different but whatever it is causes fear to lace through your thoughts. How do we combat against this feeling that God did not give to us? How do we operate in the power love and sound mind that is our portion from Christ? For me I have come clean with God. I didn't even know what I was feeling was fear until now. I have brought it before God and laid it out for Him to help me  conquer. I am reminding myself of what He said regarding my healing. There is a word for your situation. There is verse or two that you can lay claim to that will aid you to get rid of fear.

Friends the battle is real but I already know that we are victorious. Thanks be to God who always causes us to triumph in His name; Who always causes us to win!

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