Saturday, August 12, 2017

Something New

I am learning something new.  Now while I am not that old (unless you ask my 9y/o niece) so I can still teachable.  Then again so is my Embrace Sister who is well into her 80s and defies the old (no pun intended), saying "you cant teach an old dog new trick". 

So anyway, I am learning how to speak to my twenty-two year old son in his language. Puzzled?  Don't be.  I am simply learning how to speak to my son as a man.  Have you ever heard that men need respect and women need to hear about love?  God made no mistakes when he made them male and female. The truth is we are not the same and I never really paid attention to our differences until now. 

Now, I am armed with inside knowledge from a Doctor Emerson who is giving me the language to communicate effectively and without disrespecting him as I have often done.  In the first few chapters of the book I had checked off everything on the what not to do list - done!  This was definitely not my finest moment and the temptation to feel like a failure was strong and real.  In my mind I ran through the many years and wrestled at how many times I had failed to give him honor and respect. 

I am singing the song loud and off key R E S P E C T - find out what it means to me!!!! Only this was his song and I never heard it.  I had tuned him out and denied him of his manly need.  Oi!

Okay so I can't change yesterday but I can stop the bleeding today.  I can learn something new and by George I am gonna give it all I got.  Doc Emerson's book Mother and Son the Respect Effect will become very good friends.  Go ahead and give it a try...its worth it to learn something new.

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