Friday, September 16, 2011

Bending Will

Bending your Will to His

It must be hard to bend a tree when it has already been fully grown.

It must be hard to bend a rod when the iron has been set in place.

It must be hard to bend a heart that has been hardened and grown cold.

It must be hard to bend a will to a God that has never been seen.

But oh how wonderful it must be, when as a plant we sway in the wind.

Oh how much easier is it to mold the iron before it is set.

How sweeter would love be from a heart that is soft and made of flesh.

Imagine for a moment how it could be with a will that is meshed with His.

Nothing is hard with God.

Nothing is impossible with God.

Nothing is too much with God.

He gives you only what you can bear.

Wednesday, September 14, 2011

Drink Offering

Philippians 2:17

New King James Version (NKJV)
17 Yes, and if I am being poured out as a drink offering on the sacrifice and service of your faith, I am glad and rejoice with you all.

From the first time that I saw this verse I have zoomed in on Paul’s description of himself as a drink offering.  I imagine a glass filled with liquid, being emptied of its contents, to the last drop.  I imagine it being replenished and poured out again and again.  I believe he held nothing back of himself or possessions, giving everything for the glory or God.

From time to time it comes to mind challenging me to be the same.  It occurs to me that every thing that I am and possess is for Christ to use. I am his hands and feet and mouth. His love inside of me is for all whom I will meet, have met and will meet again.  My service to Him is to be like that offering, poured out for him for the purpose of everyone.

Believe me when I say I am not at all perfect.  But I still want to be that drink offering for Christ. I want my life to be lived for him. I want the rivers of living waters inside of me to flow out, and impact the lives of those around me.

It is my prayer right now that as you read this, that you will be inspired likewise by God’s spirit.  I pray that you too will begin to offer yourself, all of you, good and bad to be an offering for God; an offering that is not compelled but a voluntary gift of yourself.

When you measure yourself, you may find that you are lacking. Rightly so, aren’t we all?  But God can use you because his perfect love covers you.


Today I celebrate my 37th birthday.  I have thought about many things since awakening this morning.  From all of them, I have decided that this year I will be all that God wants me to be.  I dedicate myself to Him and you are my witnesses.

This morning I thought I had planned things differently. Maybe I caused certain things to be pushed back because of my own choices. But as from this day, Sept 14th I want to be all that He wants me to be.  I want my praise to be like perfume to him. I want to be that drink offering poured out for Him.

I want to be the Queen of possibilities that He says that I am. I want to be light. I want to be salt. I want to be the woman who fears him above all things. I want to be the one who gives him honour where ever I am. I want to be authentic 24/7.

This is my New Year’s resolution beginning now.