Friday, September 16, 2011

Bending Will

Bending your Will to His

It must be hard to bend a tree when it has already been fully grown.

It must be hard to bend a rod when the iron has been set in place.

It must be hard to bend a heart that has been hardened and grown cold.

It must be hard to bend a will to a God that has never been seen.

But oh how wonderful it must be, when as a plant we sway in the wind.

Oh how much easier is it to mold the iron before it is set.

How sweeter would love be from a heart that is soft and made of flesh.

Imagine for a moment how it could be with a will that is meshed with His.

Nothing is hard with God.

Nothing is impossible with God.

Nothing is too much with God.

He gives you only what you can bear.

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