Wednesday, September 14, 2011


Today I celebrate my 37th birthday.  I have thought about many things since awakening this morning.  From all of them, I have decided that this year I will be all that God wants me to be.  I dedicate myself to Him and you are my witnesses.

This morning I thought I had planned things differently. Maybe I caused certain things to be pushed back because of my own choices. But as from this day, Sept 14th I want to be all that He wants me to be.  I want my praise to be like perfume to him. I want to be that drink offering poured out for Him.

I want to be the Queen of possibilities that He says that I am. I want to be light. I want to be salt. I want to be the woman who fears him above all things. I want to be the one who gives him honour where ever I am. I want to be authentic 24/7.

This is my New Year’s resolution beginning now.

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