Wednesday, January 11, 2012


This morning I saw the most beautiful sunrise; it brought tears to my eyes. In the midst of concrete highways, traffic and pollution I saw the rising of this magnificent ball of fire.  I kept thinking God made that.  He made the sun.  What can be compared to it?  Its sphere was beautiful.  Its colour was brilliant.  I wondered where it was all this time, and where does it go to hide? 

It gives me an awareness that perhaps I have always known but never connected with the sun.  Without the Sun there is no light.  Without the Sun there is no warmth. Without the Sun, darkness would reign and our lives would not be as enriched.  By now, you must know where I am going with this. You would have to be blind not to see, and maybe that is the point.  Let me explain, without the Son of God, Jesus Christ, we would fare the same fate.  He is the light that causes darkness to recede.  He is the one and only one, (I will boldly declare), that can enrich our lives.

I can almost hear the thoughts of those who will disagree.  My life is already full and good…I have house money and land; I have my lady, baby or man.  I am good!  But are you?  Are you really living good?  Without Christ I know that you are not. We were made to worship the Son and in not doing that we seek to fill that void with “things or people”. 

But the Son, like the Sun is a beautiful gift. My friend sang, it is a “Beautiful Exchange”; our nothingness for his everything.  My heart weeps for those of you that remain in darkness, blinded by the god of this world.  I pray for you earnestly, come into the Light of the Gospel of Jesus Christ – for you shall know the truth and be made free!
By Engada

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