Thursday, January 12, 2012

The SON (sun) shall rise, and HE (it) will shine.

This morning just before , I sat in my car.  I turned the ignition off and for a moment stared unseeingly through the windshield.  My favorite song began it’s melody through the sound system of my stereo “There’s a beauty to the dawn….” Here is when my eyes, washed from the blinding fog saw what was occurring before me.  The sun was rising.  A new day was breaking.  The darkness I drove into was suddenly being pushed away.

As I watched the sky being painted with blue, pink and lavender the voice of my consciousness declared light dispels darkness.  In the presence of light, there cannot be any darkness. The two cannot co-exist peacefully together, for one must over power the other one.  The darkness is always subjected to the authority of the light; it must bow to the presence of the sun.

The sun rises, whether we see it or feel its warmth.  It will accomplish its mandate – doing exactly as it was created and commissioned to do.  Its presence every morning will drive away the once reigning evidence of night and bring day into place.  Has a new day ever been missed?  Has the sun as yet been forbidden to shine, giving us light and the ability to see?

And so I thought of the Son.  He accomplished His purpose here on earth and even now, waits to return in the perfect timing of our shared Father.  His presence in my life is light.  As I abide in Him and He in me, there cannot be any darkness.  For is it possible that light and dark, good and bad, or salt and fresh can dominate the same body of matter? 

So I reasoned that I should shine where ever I go and the darkness must stand back.  I am like a flash light in the big picture, and yet my light will cut through the dark ebbs of this world – as it is powered by the Son.

I am also commissioned to live out my purpose, whatever that may be, differing from another, but accomplishing the same end. Jesus did say, “In the same way, let your light shine before men, that they may see your good deeds and praise your Father in heaven.” Matthew 5:6

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