Monday, April 30, 2012

Loving God

Loving Him...

I love you
I can say this freely
For the first time ever
Without the negative reaction

You shy not away
From my emotions expressed
You fear not
My feelings openly displayed

From me to you
I can say what I want to say
No holding back
No censored declarations
Just love and adoration

Finally, and I have sought
I have found the one my soul loves
He whispers to me words that inspire
Touching my senses, melting my defenses

There has been no other
Will never be another
That makes me feel
Just as you do

I love you!
I will say it out loud
No worries of tomorrow
For you wont ever forsake me

Write the Vision and Make it Plain!

It’s not over until God says it’s over.  I start out with this message of truth ringing in my ears.  On this very last day of April, I have some very hard challenges before me.  It seems to me that I take a step up only to fall again.  I am tired of it.  I am tired of the chapters being repeated in my life – again and again. The redundancy of the repeated words is truly a reflection of my reality; Again and again.

I tell you the truth, in the times of trials; it is sometimes hard to stay encouraged.  It is sometimes difficult to see the truth and not the lies. It is hard to see what I don’t see, and speak that which is not as though it was.  However, the word of God inside of me washes through my thought process; it cleanses me of the negative lies that stains my soul and distorts my outlook; my outlook, my view, my vision.  Just this weekend I was told, “Write the vision and make it plain”.  The words from the prophet Habakkuk was my very own God given directive.  Write it out…whatsoever it may be, write it.  Not only should I write it but speak it. Put it up in my office, in my car, on my mirror.  That was Saturday, and now here is Monday.

The fire underneath me is heated, but God’s truth remains the same. So my friends, I write to tell you that this is not over.  If you are also in a battle of truth and lies, be encouraged. God’s truth will always win.  The devil is a liar. His mission statement remains the same: Steal, Kill and Destroy. But Jesus came and we know already the end of the story. We win in Jesus Christ.  We are champions, victors, overcomers and more than conquerors. Beloved, do not give up but fight that fight of faith in these trying times.  It is not over!

Thursday, April 19, 2012

Above and Beyond

I was watching the 50th anniversary show of Cross Road ministry, (they bring us 100 Huntley Street). Their theme was "Above and Beyond". I imediately thought of work.  Let me explain, this is the name of my company's employee recognition programme and so, I was familiar with the term. I was already aware of its meaning.  At least I knew of one meaning.  As I watched the hosts speaking, a light bulb went on inside of me.  Above and Beyond didnt just mean what we as a people could do, but God.  He is the One who goes above and beyond before any of us ever did.  I was transfixed to the t.v.  The thoughts flooded my mind and I felt my eyes were finally opened to a verse that I always knew, but never fully understood.   He exceeds our expectations. It is in fact his promise to us. He promised to exceed my every  expectations. "Now to Him who is able to do far more exceedingly abundantly than all we ask or think..." Eph. 3:20.  He goes above and beyond! Always! Every time! I like to think that if I am able to think of it, he can exceed it. If I expect it, He exceeds it. He is the master of going "Above and Beyond".

Saturday, April 14, 2012

what are you looking for?

I spoke to a friend of mine yesterday, Auny. (Everyone needs a friend like Auny
in their corner). He is the kind of guy that speaks the truth in love and with grace.  He pointed out a scripture to me that really grabbed a hold of me. When the disciples and the women were looking for a dead Jesus the angel asked them, why are you looking for the living among the dead? Luke 24: 6.  He (Auny), expanded on this verse by saying that we are looking for the wrong things, or maybe the right thing in the wrong place.  So my question to you and to myself is "what are you looking for?" Are we seeking the living among the dead? Are we looking for peace from the world? Are we seeking satisfaction and fulfillment from an empty world? Are we seeking light in darkness? If we seek after the pleasures of the world, we are looking just as the disciples did? Friends, seek only after God through Jesus Christ. Then He said He will supply all the other things for you.

Tuesday, April 3, 2012

He is more than enough

This is an original song from the Holy Spirit that I was given this morning.  I believe this message is for you today as well.

God is love
He is love
He is MORE than enough
He is my El Shaddi

He is the Promise Keeper
Covenant Maker
God of Abraham
Isaac and Jacob
He is the Father of My Savior
Mighty Jesus
He is more than enough

The message behind this is simple…He is more than enough for you and for me.  He is in excess of all that we will ever need. I know that we are, that you are going through (I don’t want this to be about me right now) so many things.  But God is love and He loves you. God is more than enough for you.  He makes and keeps all his promises….proven through Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.  He is the Father of your Saviour. The one called Jesus. Yes loved one, God is more than enough for you.