Saturday, April 14, 2012

what are you looking for?

I spoke to a friend of mine yesterday, Auny. (Everyone needs a friend like Auny
in their corner). He is the kind of guy that speaks the truth in love and with grace.  He pointed out a scripture to me that really grabbed a hold of me. When the disciples and the women were looking for a dead Jesus the angel asked them, why are you looking for the living among the dead? Luke 24: 6.  He (Auny), expanded on this verse by saying that we are looking for the wrong things, or maybe the right thing in the wrong place.  So my question to you and to myself is "what are you looking for?" Are we seeking the living among the dead? Are we looking for peace from the world? Are we seeking satisfaction and fulfillment from an empty world? Are we seeking light in darkness? If we seek after the pleasures of the world, we are looking just as the disciples did? Friends, seek only after God through Jesus Christ. Then He said He will supply all the other things for you.

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