Tuesday, April 3, 2012

He is more than enough

This is an original song from the Holy Spirit that I was given this morning.  I believe this message is for you today as well.

God is love
He is love
He is MORE than enough
He is my El Shaddi

He is the Promise Keeper
Covenant Maker
God of Abraham
Isaac and Jacob
He is the Father of My Savior
Mighty Jesus
He is more than enough

The message behind this is simple…He is more than enough for you and for me.  He is in excess of all that we will ever need. I know that we are, that you are going through (I don’t want this to be about me right now) so many things.  But God is love and He loves you. God is more than enough for you.  He makes and keeps all his promises….proven through Abraham and Isaac and Jacob.  He is the Father of your Saviour. The one called Jesus. Yes loved one, God is more than enough for you.

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