Monday, April 30, 2012

Write the Vision and Make it Plain!

It’s not over until God says it’s over.  I start out with this message of truth ringing in my ears.  On this very last day of April, I have some very hard challenges before me.  It seems to me that I take a step up only to fall again.  I am tired of it.  I am tired of the chapters being repeated in my life – again and again. The redundancy of the repeated words is truly a reflection of my reality; Again and again.

I tell you the truth, in the times of trials; it is sometimes hard to stay encouraged.  It is sometimes difficult to see the truth and not the lies. It is hard to see what I don’t see, and speak that which is not as though it was.  However, the word of God inside of me washes through my thought process; it cleanses me of the negative lies that stains my soul and distorts my outlook; my outlook, my view, my vision.  Just this weekend I was told, “Write the vision and make it plain”.  The words from the prophet Habakkuk was my very own God given directive.  Write it out…whatsoever it may be, write it.  Not only should I write it but speak it. Put it up in my office, in my car, on my mirror.  That was Saturday, and now here is Monday.

The fire underneath me is heated, but God’s truth remains the same. So my friends, I write to tell you that this is not over.  If you are also in a battle of truth and lies, be encouraged. God’s truth will always win.  The devil is a liar. His mission statement remains the same: Steal, Kill and Destroy. But Jesus came and we know already the end of the story. We win in Jesus Christ.  We are champions, victors, overcomers and more than conquerors. Beloved, do not give up but fight that fight of faith in these trying times.  It is not over!

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