Wednesday, November 21, 2012

CARSON BITES - Life through the eyes of a 3y/o

My god-son Carson is very black and white in his thinking. Living in Tennessee with his parents, he is what we call a boys boy.  His mom keeps me up to date with his antics and his statements.  Here is one thing that he said that I hope will make you smile or better yet laugh out loud.

Carson: I love you Mama
Mom: I love you too Carson
Carson: You won't send me back will you?
Mom: No Carson! I will never send you back. God gave you to me.
Carson: God? I don't know him. Who is God?
Mom: Do you know Jesus?
Carson: Yes.
Mom: Do you know how you are a son, a cousin and a friend?  That is how God, Jesus and the Holy Spirit are. They are all the same person.
Carson: Oh! So God is Jesus' last name!!!  Jesus God!

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