Thursday, January 17, 2013

This is the year of Favour!

On New Year's day my friend sent me a text that I had to save for days to come.  It began immediately with "Fear Not for I am with you."  There was no explanation of the text, other than to say Thus Saith the Lord...

A word that told me that this is the year of favour and don't worry, he will be my strength.  At that time, I never imagined that this day would come....make that weekend.  My son, who had been enrolled in a high school in the USA was denied entry.  I dropped him off at the airport, and saw him to the customs line.  I waited until I was not able to see him any more, but with a feeling in my being that something was up.  I carried that feeling home with me, even my cousin commented on it and laughed. But I knew this time was going to be different.  So I was somewhat prepared to hear the phone call  - Mom, pick me up please.

May I tell you that my reaction was less than good?  I ended up having to apologize for my behaviour towards my son, and to God. It didn't seem like the favour I had been expecting this year at all.  To me it felt like things were unravelling; my emotions prevented me from hearing and seeing little other than the immediate problem.  Thank God for His patience and His mercy and His unfailing love and grace.  I didn't stay blinded and deaf for very long.

He sent his word to me, not once, or twice but three times!  He wanted me to look up at Him. He wanted me to trust Him to work things out.  He wanted me to not fall apart, just because the winds had intensified and the waters were rising.  He wanted me to see beyond all of that and look to Him, who is able to calm the winds and the waves and to part the waters if needed.  He wanted me to get out of fear and into faith. He wanted me to walk in what He told me, and not what I saw, and not what I felt.

So again, that text message that was sent ahead of time beckoned me to have another look.  Fear not for I am with you!

I want to encourage you as well. I am not sure how 2013 started for you, or how it is shaping up, but I want you to walk in the knowledge that God is with you.  It doesn't mean all will be easy, and your life will be without problems or pain.  Remember Joseph, son of Jacob, he was sold, lied on and imprisoned, yet God was with Him.  In the end he became the 2nd most powerful man in all of Egypt, the King being first.  (Read Genesis 38 - 41 for story on Joseph).  God's presence and favour was with him. 

His presence and favour is also with you.  So be encouraged, and lift up your eyes to Him.  Don't be afraid and don't worry.  This is the year of favour.

Where o death is your sting?

New International Version (©1984)
"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" 1 Corinthians 15:55

As I kneel alongside my bed, this is one entry I wish I was not writing, at least not like this.  A few hours ago, I thought of all the things I could write about, and this was not one that made my list at all.  Corrine Nelson died yesterday evening, her battle with cancer finally coming to a permanent end.  Those who have read my previous blogs will remember me speaking about her.  She was a woman among women.  She was something special and I am not just saying kind things, she really was all that and more.  Words would not be adequate and so I will not attempt further to say more.

She has left behind her husband, a two year old son, and family and friends.  She will be missed greatly.

Ten days ago, I wrote her name at the top of my prayer list – Corrine healed and out of the bed by this time next year.  As I reviewed it, the words appeared to mock me from the page upon which they were written.  Was this the answer to my prayer?  It was certainly not what I expected.  Had death instead been victorious?

I understand little.  I have as much questions as anyone else would at this hour in this situation, but I do know that God knows.  More than anything else I had prayed for Corrine’s soul.  I had prayed that God would have mercy upon her.  More than the life here, I prayed for her life after death.

 So this is why I would rather lose sleep so someone will know that there is more after death.  The sting and victory of death is sin.  Paul writes to the Corinthians and he tells them that in the verses that follow his question.  The wages of sin is death, but it loses its victory because Jesus paid it all for us.

Our hope is only in Him – Jesus Christ, the son of God; then and only then will we be able to say where o death is your victory? Where o death is your sting? Then we will be able to know that our passing of this earthly life is nothing more than entrance to the everlasting abundant life promised to us by Christ.

Yes, we who remain after that passing will mourn, but even Jesus wept.  I am so glad the bible tells me that Jesus wept over his friend Lazarus’ death, and he raised him from the dead afterwards.  So, please do not feel that death does not cause sorrow. We cry and that is certainly alright.  However, please let us also not forget that Jesus is the one who takes the victory and sting out of it. 
Will you seek Him today?  Today is the day of salvation, may your hearts be softened to His Holy Spirit's calling in Jesus' name.




Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Lord is Waiting for You

Happy New Year! Can you believe that we went through 365 days of 2012 already?  I know for me this fact has left me speechless.  How the time flew by so quickly surprises me even three days into the new year - 2013.  Is it hard for your brain to process the change as well? Have you caught yourself thinking, writing and saying 2012 instead of 2013?  Do you think that you have missed something along the way?  Maybe even the last 365 days of 2012?  I do.  I feel that time slipped right by me, and the things that I said I would do, remain undone.  So much for resolutions.  This year I made none, but that doesn't stop me from mentally making check lists with tasks and goals and plans for this year.

But that is not why I am here tonight.  I am here to give you this simple message for the start of this year.  God is waiting for you, so He can show you His compassion and limitless love.  (Isaiah 30:18)
He will be gracious to you. The God of justice will wait for you, and have mercy on you.  Are you able to wrap your mind around that?  Is that more perplexing than the speed of time?  Is thiis harder to accept for you?

Don't think that you are not worth the wait beloved.  Blessed are those who are will wait for God...our most Holy, awesome, gracious God.

Happy New Year to you all and may you truly be enlightened by the Light of the world - Jesus Christ my Lord!