Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Lord is Waiting for You

Happy New Year! Can you believe that we went through 365 days of 2012 already?  I know for me this fact has left me speechless.  How the time flew by so quickly surprises me even three days into the new year - 2013.  Is it hard for your brain to process the change as well? Have you caught yourself thinking, writing and saying 2012 instead of 2013?  Do you think that you have missed something along the way?  Maybe even the last 365 days of 2012?  I do.  I feel that time slipped right by me, and the things that I said I would do, remain undone.  So much for resolutions.  This year I made none, but that doesn't stop me from mentally making check lists with tasks and goals and plans for this year.

But that is not why I am here tonight.  I am here to give you this simple message for the start of this year.  God is waiting for you, so He can show you His compassion and limitless love.  (Isaiah 30:18)
He will be gracious to you. The God of justice will wait for you, and have mercy on you.  Are you able to wrap your mind around that?  Is that more perplexing than the speed of time?  Is thiis harder to accept for you?

Don't think that you are not worth the wait beloved.  Blessed are those who are will wait for God...our most Holy, awesome, gracious God.

Happy New Year to you all and may you truly be enlightened by the Light of the world - Jesus Christ my Lord!

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