Thursday, January 17, 2013

Where o death is your sting?

New International Version (©1984)
"Where, O death, is your victory? Where, O death, is your sting?" 1 Corinthians 15:55

As I kneel alongside my bed, this is one entry I wish I was not writing, at least not like this.  A few hours ago, I thought of all the things I could write about, and this was not one that made my list at all.  Corrine Nelson died yesterday evening, her battle with cancer finally coming to a permanent end.  Those who have read my previous blogs will remember me speaking about her.  She was a woman among women.  She was something special and I am not just saying kind things, she really was all that and more.  Words would not be adequate and so I will not attempt further to say more.

She has left behind her husband, a two year old son, and family and friends.  She will be missed greatly.

Ten days ago, I wrote her name at the top of my prayer list – Corrine healed and out of the bed by this time next year.  As I reviewed it, the words appeared to mock me from the page upon which they were written.  Was this the answer to my prayer?  It was certainly not what I expected.  Had death instead been victorious?

I understand little.  I have as much questions as anyone else would at this hour in this situation, but I do know that God knows.  More than anything else I had prayed for Corrine’s soul.  I had prayed that God would have mercy upon her.  More than the life here, I prayed for her life after death.

 So this is why I would rather lose sleep so someone will know that there is more after death.  The sting and victory of death is sin.  Paul writes to the Corinthians and he tells them that in the verses that follow his question.  The wages of sin is death, but it loses its victory because Jesus paid it all for us.

Our hope is only in Him – Jesus Christ, the son of God; then and only then will we be able to say where o death is your victory? Where o death is your sting? Then we will be able to know that our passing of this earthly life is nothing more than entrance to the everlasting abundant life promised to us by Christ.

Yes, we who remain after that passing will mourn, but even Jesus wept.  I am so glad the bible tells me that Jesus wept over his friend Lazarus’ death, and he raised him from the dead afterwards.  So, please do not feel that death does not cause sorrow. We cry and that is certainly alright.  However, please let us also not forget that Jesus is the one who takes the victory and sting out of it. 
Will you seek Him today?  Today is the day of salvation, may your hearts be softened to His Holy Spirit's calling in Jesus' name.




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