Thursday, March 7, 2013

Jesus Has Compassion: Don't Cry

When the Lord saw her, he had compassion on her and said to her, "Don't cry." Luke 7:13

This week, I read from the book of Luke 7 the story of the widow whose son who had died (Luke 7:11-17).  Jesus was on his way else where and as he went along, he was met upon by a funeral procession.  The pall bearers were dutifully carrying the remains of the dead boy.  His mother walked beside the mourners and must have been beside herself with grieve.  Not only was her husband dead, but now, her only son was dead.  As a woman, without the covering of a man, she really had no hope in society.  Women were not as high on the social ladder back then and so she might have cried a little for her dire circumstances as well.  She was a woman, without a husband and without a son.  Life was certain to be hard. 

Her tears were the only things recorded about her.  Yet, they were enough to move Jesus.  His compassion was beyond that of just words, but in action and heart.  People often tell me that God is not moved by our emotions, however, this story tells me otherwise.  She was emotional and not even praying to Him. Unlike so many others who had come before Jesus, asking, pleading and begging for something, this woman was lost in her own sorrow.  She didn't even have faith to believe that Jesus could do anything for her son.  He was already dead, and inside her, she must have faced that reality, as his body was more and more cold by the second.  The process of preparing him for burial might have been her cold reality check.  She was simply a woman mourning her loss.  Jesus felt her sorrow; He availed himself to her, and immediately told her, "Don't cry."

Now this "Don't cry" was not the same "Don't cry, be strong" that is usually uttered from a well intentioned friend or family as a way of comforting someone going through such a loss.  Do you know what I mean?  The one where it is said and you, the one grieving, wonder how to be strong and not cry when you feel like your heart got ripped out.  It is not like the "Don't cry" that offers no solace or comfort or solution.  It is definitely not the one that is said when nothing else comes to mind and is used to fill a silence or pause.   (On a side note, that is one of my pet peeves.  If you have lost some-one, please go ahead and cry and mourn. There is a time for everything under the sun, and mourning is one of them).  Jesus' words were a promise of better to come. He said that to her because He knew that he could "back it up". 

Of course, the story goes on to say that Jesus raised the boy from the dead.   His compassion for the woman moved him to act on her behalf, even without her saying a word to him.  He restored for her that which was lost; he brought to life who which was dead.  He followed up his words with actions that made her not have to cry tears of sorrow, maybe joyful ones...who knows.

God is compassionate towards us also.  He looked upon us while we were still sinners, and sent His son to die for us, thereby providing reconciliation between us and Himself.  His compassion never fails and his mercy gets renewed daily.  Loved one, you qualify for His mercy and compassion.  Today, it is for you to hear the words of Jesus that comes with the promise of hope "Don't cry."

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