Saturday, March 30, 2013

Letting it go

Imagine that you have a great big giant box, loaded with things.  You bend your knees in preparation to lift it, without injuring your back.  You settle the box in your hands as you try to get adjusted to the weight of it.  At first, it is a bearable load.  You walk with the box, paying minimal attention to its weight.  Soon, what seemed effortless begins to produce strain.  You would wipe the sweat from your brow if only you could.  Your hands are busy trying to balance the box and redistribute the weight evenly.  The burning in your muscles become your point factor and causes your walk to slow to an almost stop.  Now your mind is completely focused on this box you are carrying; the box now causing you pain; the box that has impeded your progress to get to your destination.  You wonder to yourself, should I let it go?  Then you immediately reason, but then who will pick it up for you?  In your mind, you find no-one suitable or reliable; no-one trust worthy; no-one capable of taking care of the box for you.

There is a wall that looked like a beacon of mercy to you.  You allow the wall to help with the weight of the box.  You are still unable to leave the box, you reason, if I let it go, it will too hard to pick it up again and I don't have the energy.  Leaning against the wall is not enough, still the quivering from your muscles are more noticeable.  They have begun screaming in earnest protest; you are still in pain.  Now you desperately want to let go, but you just don't want to start over again.

Some decisions are made for you, and as you try very hard to hold the weight of the box and keep moving forward the bottom falls out for you.  In one last desperate attempt to hold it all together you press more into the wall, you adjust your hands under the box, you use your legs to brace the weight, you try but you can't hold it anymore.  The box falls to the ground, the items crash into the ground shattering without apology.

You then think out loud "I should have let it go sooner".

I woke up one morning and asked GOD what he meant when he said let it go?  He gave me this analogy so I could see it in my mind and understand what He was telling me.  That box could be your family, some pain from your past, some challenge you face today.  We need to let go of the weight that had so easily beset us, and be not entangled again with that yoke of bondage. 

I needed to allow Him to carry it, not just lean against Him, but still continue to bear the weight of it in my heart.  I needed to let it go from my mind, trusting Him in a way that goes beyond reasoning and logic.  I needed to let it go, before it pauses me in my tracks and prematurely causes me to abandon that which I am pregnant with - possibilities and a good future!

Could it be that this is you also?  Have you been carrying the weight of it all?  It is time to Let it go! God is able.

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