Monday, March 11, 2013

Jesus Wants To...

Scripture: " 'If you want to you can make me clean.' He [Jesus] stretched out his hand and touched him, saying, 'I want to. Be made clean.' "Luke 5:12-13 WEB

I love this conversation between the leper and Jesus.  He comes to Jesus and doesn't ask, but makes a statement.  He comes already knowing what Jesus can do; he comes knowing the power that is in Him to heal and save and make clean.  He comes with an expectation that the King can do what He cannot and no-one else can do.  He comes to the King and he knows that his only option is standing right before him.  He was desperate and so he stepped out of the confinements placed upon him.  He was a leper and should not even be this close to any-one. He was unclean and an out cast.  His circumstances did not cause him to sit back, but move forward towards the hope; towards change; towards light.  There is no doubt that this man wanted out of his darkness and dismal life. 

I can almost picture him.  Perhaps he stood  holding his breath, his lungs swelling with the effort as he awaited Jesus' response.  I can see his heart beating through the frail skin across his breast - bodoom bodoom bodoom.  Perhaps his brow had the sheen of sweat, but he stood perfectly still, not wanting to miss even a sigh from Jesus' lips.  How his mind must have whispered "what did I just say? Was I really so bold to this man - the Messiah? Will he punish me? Will he answer me?  Will he heal me?  What do I have to bring Lord?  Nothing."

Of course, the bible doesn't tell us any of that, but we certainly can imagine it can't we?  Just imagine if this were you.  Listen to the Master as He says so simply "I want to"
I read that and something inside of me immediately connected and became hopeful. I want to...Jesus wants to and I feel like he has said that to my very soul.  He has looked deep into my heart and my soul and he responds 'I want to'.

Do you hear Him?  He is saying to you as well, I want to make you clean.  I want to make you whole. I want to make you mine says the Lord.  I want to.

Even now my heart is just full.  It is not a rejection, but a call to come. I want to is what he is saying to you.  Have you been asking him the same question as the Leper? Are you wondering if he wants to help you out of that mess?  Then wonder no more, he wants to.

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