Wednesday, October 16, 2013

Give the Flowers While I am Alive

We celebrated my Mom's birthday this weekend.  It has become something of a tradition for us to "bless" people with our words of love and kindness on their birthdays in my family. As a matter of fact, my Mom was the one who asked us "where is my blessing?" after every plan we had for her to go out to dinner fell apart. However, she wanted to be blessed more than to eat Chicken Alfredo at Red Lobster.

I am so glad we did it. Late at night my family came together over vanilla cake to tell this woman of 64years how much we loved her.  We told her how much we appreciated all she did and does for us, her son and daughters and grand-kids and great grand kids.  We encouraged her to pursue her dreams, whatever they might be, and affirmed her.  It was a moment of tears, not from sadness, but love and joy.

The intimacy of the evening was perfect for her.  She said to us this was just what I wanted.  This was better than dinner.  This was better than any gift we gave her. This was her blessing...her flowers that will never fade or die. 

Roses in Vase (Taken from Google image)

I believe I have said this before, but it is worth repeating. Don't wait until the grave to say the words you want to say. Don't wait for sickness to come around.  Who can receive love from the finality of a coffin? Who can give love from the coldness of death?  No-one.  Not you. Not me.  So I urge you, don't wait. Give your child the words of wisdom now.  Hug your spouse as often as you can. Laugh with your children even if the house is a mess. Sit and eat and be with the ones you love. Let them know it and don't wait to say   "I love you".  My friends, give them the "flowers" today.

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