Wednesday, October 2, 2013

Remember your Faith may grow

My son turns 19 years old today. I called him at 2am this morning to wish him a happy birthday and to tell him again that I love him. After we hung up, I closed my eyes and prayed for him. 
God and I have parented RKR all these years. It was just appropriate to share this moment with Him – His Heavenly Father.  Even now, as I think on all the “yesterdays” we have passed through my heart is overwhelmed with gratitude.  God has been good to us, His mercy has been plentiful and His grace so undeserving.  I can trust my son to His care; He has proven Himself faithful to us.  Many are the provisions of my God, exceeding all my needs with a limitless supply.
As I write and remember these things, my faith grows.  I feel encouraged and confident in the absolute care of God.  I am not doing something new, David did the same thing.  We only need to read through the Psalms to see the evidence. He remembered the God of yesterday, and was encouraged that He is still the same God of his today.  He reminded himself of God’s faithfulness and mighty acts and was able to stand in the face of his enemies, heart break and many trials. 
May I encourage you to do the same?  Might I nudge you to sit and reflect on the works of God in your life, your child’s life, family, friend or foe’s life?  Will you remember the past so that you may walk in the present with confidence?  David did it.  I did it. Now You do it.  Water your faith, and watch it grow.

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