Monday, January 13, 2014

Fear makes you do silly things

It's 11pm at night and I just went to get my son from the mall.  He and his friend just finished working out/training and called me.  I was poised with a good piece of fried chicken in my hand, and my devotional in the other when the call came in from him.  I deliberated for a few minutes whether or not I should go, but of course the thoughts that came to me were more persuasive than the arguments my son presented.  Fear makes you do silly things.

On the drive home, my son told me that a friend of his called our home recently.  My mom answered the phone and according to him, she told this "friend" that she does not want him speaking to or hanging out with my son.  My son, went over to the house of his friend, and was told of the conversation that preceded his visit.  He said the young man asked him "why would she do that?"  He was hurt.  My son, explained that because of what had happened in the past, it made her more wary.  Fear makes you do mean things.

In my prayer time today, I just said to my prayer partner, "I am going to trust God, even though the things I prayed for last year have yet to be revealed in the present. I will rejoice in the Lord.  Habakkuk 3:17-18 "Even though the fig trees have no blossoms, and there are no grapes on the vine; even though the olive crop fails, and the fields lie empty and barren; even though the flocks die in the fields, and the cattle barns are empty, yet I will rejoice in the Lord!" I know for me, it is easier to trust when I don't see wrong; what eyes don't see, heart doesn't leap.  It is easier to rejoice when things are great.  It's easier to have Faith when I see the signs of promises being fulfilled.  It is easier to be fearless when I know I am not doing this alone.  Fear makes you walk alone.

Fear, makes you leave your house to go on the road after you have turned in for the night. Fear makes you say things that crush others even when you know that Christ calls us to be his witnesses of love.  Fear makes you close your mouth when really praise is what is needed for God inhabits the praises of His people.  Fear makes you do silly things.

Enough.  Beloved, let us get beyond this and step into faith.  Without faith, it is impossible to please God.  Isn't it time to lift our faces to him so we can be radiant?  God did not give us that spirit of fear.  He gave us power. He gave us love.  He gave us a sound mind.  Faith, makes us walk on water, speak to mountains, crush our enemy, soar like an eagle and speak those things which are not as though they were.  So, I say to you beloved, Yet will I trust Him! 

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