Friday, January 31, 2014

I will uphold you with my righteous right hand

Last night I went with my almost two year old grand niece to see my grand-mother. She had been in the hospital's ER the night before with chest pains.  So I thought I would go bring some cheer that comes through a baby. Kiara did her job. She hugged, kissed and even gave jokes. Yes. She did. It was hilarious to my grand-mother as she pointed to a picture of a pig-nosed girl with wild black hair and said "Ando!"  What? "That is not me Ki." I told her. She replied, "Ando!"  and pointed at the picture for emphasis.  Yes, quite hilarious.

While that was fun for all of us, that is not what this is about today. While I was making noodles (which she calls rice) for her dinner, God gave me a song. In the middle of the mundane, God showed up.  He penned by his spirit a song of encouragement to me.  It was a simple song for hard times.  It was as follows:

I will uphold you
I will uphold you
I will uphold you
With my righteous
Right Hand

All you have to do is
Just Believe
Just Believe
Just Believe

For I will uphold you
With my righteous
Right Hand
(by Yolando Robinson)

I sang those words with everything in me.  I sang myself from being weary to strong and encouraged. My spirit got happy and my eyes were once again focused - on the Master of my soul.  God the Heavenly Father, Jesus the Christ, and the Spirit of God the Holy One.  All three in One.

When I went home following that praise experience, I got a call. My 20 year old nephew, who was just recently diagnosed with a form of cancer, went into the doctor and started, to his surprise, the chemotherapy treatment. He has been trying to have a good attitude but he was overwhelmed and broke down.  Maybe this is you right now.  Maybe you can relate to being overwhelmed.

I know that this is not an isolated case. Many people have similar issues. Many people are trying so hard to make it through some very difficult challenges. Many people are in this season of their life where it is just plain hard.

However, I bring a message of hope.  It is the same words that came to me this morning as I prayed, make that cried out, to God for all these people in my circle of life.  "I will uphold you with my righteous right hand".  God says that because He is able to hold you up.  He is able to bear your weight and burden. He is able to carry you when you have no more strength.  Another cousin said to me yesterday, "I am standing up only because of God".  God is able to keep you upright when life presses down upon you.

God is ever faithful and true. If he says he will do it, you can believe Him.  He will do it. So beloved, God says to you "I will uphold you with my righteous right hand".

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