Sunday, January 12, 2014

One thing remains

I just had a very interesting conversation with my cousin and his fiancé. We spoke about life. Life is not always a smooth path or calm waters.  Life is sometimes hard and cold.  Sometimes we find ourselves challenged and hurt and facing extreme difficulties.  Life is not always perfect. We spoke about hypothetical scenarios and what we think we would do if each one occurred.  What would you do if your spouse gained weight, lost a limb, got sick or something else?  We laughed and joked but the topic was serious. 

I told him that in marriage there is no "out" clause.  I spoke of my friend whose wife had ALS and yet he looked at her with such passion and love I felt like an intruder to an intimate moment in their marriage.  I spoke about another friend whose wife had cancer and even one year past her death, his love for her remains strong. These men didn't trade their spouses in for someone better, they loved them through the best and worst, the easy and the hard times.  They stayed together, upholding the vows said before God and man on their wedding day. 

It reminds me of another love; a perfect love that covers all sins.  God's love for us.  He doesn't promise us days without trials, but he does promise never to leave us. When everything fades or leaves, his love remains.  I echo the song writer " Your love never fails, it never gives up, never runs out on you...."

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