Tuesday, April 29, 2014

There is only one God

A topic that no one wants to talk about is God, the father of my saviour, mighty Jesus.  So of course at work the opportunity arose for me to speak up or say nothing.  My co-worker came over to tell me that someone recently got declared a new Saint by the Pope. 

She said she prays to the different Saints and she was excited to begin praying to him as well. 

I could say nothing.  My other co-worker was already saying, "Don't talk about religion".  He anticpated a fight, a disagreement of sorts.  I knew what was ahead as well. She would probably get mad, or get offended. Maybe I would be mad or red with passion for her to see and know the truth. The bible says that the truth sets us free and I wanted them to be liberated!

You know what happens next  right?  I spoke up.  "There is only one God.  Why are you praying to a dead man that cannot help you.  He cannot even raise himself from the grave. He can do nothing. He himself was created by God just like you."  I smile in recollection because that challenged everything she believed and maybe some of you are feeling incensed right now.  She said, "I beleive that they do help you...." Another co-worker said, "You both believe the same thing, God is at the head...." 

Well I had to disagree again. No. We do NOT believe the same thing.  There is no other God but God.  There is no other name to pray in but Jesus. I pray only to God the Father in the name of His son and that is absolute with no conditions.  With a boldness I can only attribute to the Holy Spirit I spoke to my co-worker of umpteen years. I told him (the other one left for a smoke break after telling me that this is her religion and I shouldn't say anything) that he needed to be saved, he needed Jesus.  I told him so that he could not say he didn't know and that no-one told him. I didn't want to loose touch with him, and never tell him that there is a God - ONE GOD.  He is more to me than a person sitting on the other side of my desk, he is a friend.

I have been silent on this mostly because I don't want to get into it; I don't want to offend; I don't want to seem too churchy or preachy.  But how does that help those whom I love and care about?  I take this wonderful news with me to Heaven and they go to Hell because of my fears and selfish motives?  God let it not be so.  I pray for many more doors or windows to be opened so that I can preach Christ, the only way by which men can be saved. 

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