Thursday, July 31, 2014

Woman of Substance

A woman of substance has gone home.

A woman of quiet strength has finally found rest.

A woman of character, perseverance and hope has accomplished her ultimate goal.

A woman of zeal and passion for life has embraced victory and its crown.

A woman of love has been embraced by the One who is Himself Love.

A woman of who there is no duplicate, has endured to the end with grace and dignity.


Today we say good-bye, each in our own way, to this woman that we love.  She taught us many things, and it is our hope that we will live up to the legacy that she has left behind; love with your entire being, never give up and make Jesus your best-friend.  Thanks a million Clear/Mom/Friend.

I wrote this piece for my son's grand-mother who passed away this month.  I have never had the chance to say goodbye to someone who I knew was dying.  It is a surreal experience.  I called her that day and it was to be the last conversation we had on this side of the living.  She labored with every breath and words were no longer able to come from her mouth.  She could hear but her focus and energy was on living for that moment. It was a terrible time to hear and know all that I did.  Yet, I thank God for allowing me the opportunity to be there, via the phone, at just that time. 

I told her I loved her and I thanked her for her influence and all that she had done for me.  I said goodbye the only way I knew how and I will never regret or forget that moment.  I never had it with my Dad, my uncle, my grand-father or my friends who passed away.  So I know what it is not to have those treasured last words.  I know what it is like to live in the realm of "if only..." AND "I should have...".

This woman fought until her very last breath, never giving up hope for a miracle, even when the doctors said it was impossible.  She still saw a tomorrow, and died believing it was possible.  God was merciful, and I believe that she has no regrets.  She is with Jesus and I am sure she wishes she had gotten there sooner. I am glad for the live she lived.  Because she existed, my son was made possible.  She loved us, and showed us how much.

May I never forget my friend - Cleartilda Franklin.

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