Wednesday, August 13, 2014

The WORD of God NEVER Fails

I have been reading through the book of Joshua, reviving the story of the Israelites in my mind. I am finding all these great nuggets of truth that has been like booster shots to my soul.  Joshua 21:45 states that “Not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of Israel.  All came to pass.”


When I read this, my eyes feasted on the word “word”.  I started thinking that everything that God spoke – even the nouns, adjectives and prepositions reaped success.  The Word never fails!  The bible says ALL came to pass!  We skip over these words that have few letters thinking that their meaning is insignificant. However, I urge you to think about it – ALL.  What does it mean when we say “all”? 


As a noun it is “the whole of one’s possessions, energy, or interest”. As an adverb as it was used in this verse it is used for emphasis.  It is emphasizing “the whole quantity or extent of a particular group or thing.” (ONLINE DICTIONARY).  In my own words, “All” means everything.  Not a single word that he spoke to the house of Israel was left incomplete. Every word spoken was accomplished. It was ALL (wholly) done.  It accomplished God’s intent - success. 


In this instance, the word spoken was the promise of land to the house of Israel. The land that was flowing with milk and honey. The land that was inhabited by “giants”.  The land that was promised to the Fathers who died having not received but believed even to death.  God promised and he delivered.  They went through war – they fought but at the end, there was rest.  All came to pass.


Today, I write as an encouragement to you and to myself that God’s word to you will never fail.  How can it?  His WORD became flesh and walked among us and did as He intended. His WORD remains alive in us today and it guarantees SUCCESS.  Friends, not a word failed of any good thing which the Lord had spoken to the house of __________.  All came to pass.  Hallelujah and AMEN!


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