Thursday, October 16, 2014

Miracle on Palmolive Street

If you were to scroll through the pages of this blog, you would see many posts about my little sister Kal.  You would see her journey through health issues that has been amplified by multiple car accidents.  You would see how she went from being an independent young woman, to a dependent aged woman.  You would see how her body refused to support itself and forced her to use a cane, then compelled her into the decline of a walker. You would see how she gained almost another person in weight.  You would see how she lost her ability to work and how the insurance companies has denied her support. You would see how she had to move out of her house in order to live with others who could help her with even the most basic and simplest of tasks.  You would see, and you would know, the reason that I say God does miracles.

The first miracle was my sister leaving the house, for something other than a doctor's appointment or medical tests.  She asked me to take her to church!  What is the big deal?  She didn't want people to see her. She was self-conscious and spent her days hiding in the basement of my house. Somehow, God renewed her mind and we went to church, wheel chair, crutches, walker and everything else but the Kitchen sink.

The second miracle was her being able to drive in a car that was not her Lincoln NAVIGATOR without extreme pain.  I hated driving her anywhere, (in any car), prior to this because it was so stressful. I hated to see her in pain, and she was constantly fearful of being in another accident.  Those accidents didn't physically take her out of this world but for a long time, she was not really in it.  Somehow, God healed her body, and she was able to manage the pain in her back. 

The third miracle I will detail really rivals all others for top place.  It overrides everything else, because through this she will walk (literally) into her tomorrow that God has promised.  My sister is able to walk unassisted, maintain her balance and her weight!  It is the cause for shouts of praise in my house. We have lifted off the roof with shouts of joy!  We sing out loud Freedom! No more shackles and no more chains! (Eddie James).  We know that this work in her, is all due to God. We are also confident that the work he started He will complete it.  We take nothing from Him, but we give Him all the praise. He did this for us and He can do it for you.

I AM NOT writing this for myself.  I already know what happened.  I see her everyday and am very much aware that she is a living testimony to God's mighty hand and His healing power.  I know him now, more than I did before.  I have seen through my sister, the many signs and wonder.  So I am telling you this truth,  God still does miracles!  I have heard it from the pulpit, that such things no longer happen.  I have heard men who are called of God, reason out a miracle, and attribute the credit to a man.  Today I am here to say that God is not limited to anything, He can and still does work miracles in our lives.  It happened for us. It was a moment called suddenly. One minute she was dependant on the walker and then suddenly she took off without it.  To God be the glory, great things He has done!


  1. This reminds me of the story when Jesus told the man to take up his bed and walk. There was no gradual progression, he took up his bed and walked just like he was commanded to do. Kal just walked! This is an amazing testimony that God is still in the miracle business today as he was back then. The similarities are astounding, she just walked! Praise be to God.
