Friday, October 24, 2014

I am a new creation!

Yesterday I spent the whole day painting.  As I painted God gave me an object lesson.  His classroom is every where and any time.  My walls had some cob-webs on it and some dust.  Quite unaware, I put my brush in it and it smeared the wall.  I didn't see the dirt until it was too late. 

In my mind I could see how this was just like sin.  In the hidden crevices of our lives, seemingly harmless but really deadly.  The dirt and cob-web were there for some time, but up close to ceiling no one had noticed it.

I came down from the ladder and continued painting.  I painted one side of the wall and it was then I noticed the filth on the other side.  The wall was blackened with dirt that I never noticed before.  I couldn't believe it was that dirty.  I told my Mom, all this time we were living in a dirty home that we didn't see. It was not noticeable until the freshly painted side made the difference impossible to not notice.

When Jesus' blood started to cleanse me, I became aware of the filth inside of me. I started to notice what was always there and what was always wrong.  I now knew what was wrong because righteousness was now in me.  Praise God.

Friends, God is able to make us clean.  We do not have to remain as my house was, with dirty walls and hidden cob-webs.  Just like a coat of paint made my house look brand new, the blood of Jesus is able to make us a new creation.  The old man is passed away and I am born again!

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