Friday, November 14, 2014

Choose Ye this Day - Jevaun's testimony

On my trip to Belize I met a young man who impressed me very much.  He was the only young man in our group of women young and old. We were loud and louder, singing and laughing in work or rest.  He was quiet and observant among us.  Yet I was impressed.  He was close to my son's age and I suppose that was the initial thought when I met him.  He could be my son, and here he is choosing to leave his country to go on a mission trip, with no promises of luxury to help those in need.  I was impressed.

He was asked to give his testimony one night at a youth service being held on the "campus".  I didn't know what he would say.  I summed him up as a boy who was always in church.  I waited with everyone else to hear him speak, and this was what he said:

"It was a Friday night and I had nothing to do. So I called my cousin and said what's happening today he said nothing.  So we agreed to meet up in my area to hang out and smoke like any other regular day. We headed to the skate park to go and smoke.  He was bragging about how this weed was straight from Jamaica and his other cousin hooked him up. I knew the other cousin and how much he was involved with these type of... I don't know what to call it [contraband]. But 20 minutes into the smoking we decided to go to the store & get a drink. I was going to buy a drink, that I had enough money for, but I then thought to myself, what if these price goes up...well everything goes up...the cost of living goes up. How are we going to survive if everything keeps going up and our incomes stay the same & on top of that jobs are declining . What do we do? 

I was talking to my cousin about this as he just stood there and listened. I said we cant steal, we can't murder, cause all those things are against God, and we believe in God. Then I said either we surrender or stay on top.  By that I meant, stay on top and keep getting money no matter what to keep up with these prices OR surrender to God and live for him because even if we had all the money in the world to stay on top we were still going to die and it wouldn't mean a thing. 

That was what set  me straight for the past 3 years, although I never stopped smoking right away. Live for something that will benefit you for something that WILL come or live for what you want and suffer the consequences."

I asked him to write his testimony for me because I believe that it will encourage you.  For me it is a story of hope.  In a weed induced high, God spoke to this young man.  God called him out of the smoky haze that was his life and into the clarity of His son Jesus.  He called him a young man, and showed him how to keep his ways.  He did it for Jevaun and He can do it for my son and yours and you.  He can rescue you out of wherever you find yourself today.  He loves you that much my friend.  He loves you that much. Let me echo J's last statement, live for something that matters and is sure to come in the person of Jesus Christ, or for your self and suffer the consequences of your choice.  Choose ye this day whom you will serve, will it be God or Mammoth. 

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