Tuesday, December 2, 2014

"I see you" says God

Many years ago, I used to play with my son who was then a toddler a game of "I see you'.  I would cover my eyes and then remove them to look at him and say "I see you!"  For whatever reasons he would laugh and squeal with delight whenever I said that.  I play the same game with my now two year old grand-niece, and she echoes it back to me, I see you!  Hours of fun, with little effort.  As I wrote the title for the post this was the memory that came to mind. God is not playing a game as I was, but I also believe that He says to us the very same thing, I see you.

I have read in the bible about a woman by the name of Hagar.  She was the slave of Abram's wife, Sarai.  Over two thousand years ago she found herself in quite the predicament.  She was pregnant for her mistress' husband, and was running away from said mistress who was treating her badly.  Jealousy and contempt had invaded the camp, because someone decided to help God along with His promise.  For Hagar, it was a time of great distress and sorrow.

It was in this state that the Lord found her.  He encouraged her with his truth and grace.  He saw her.  This was important to Hagar and in Genesis 16:3 "...She gave this name to the LORD who spoke to her: "You are the God who sees me," for she said, "I have now seen the One who sees me."  Hagar encountered the God who sees and was forever changed.

Today I want to once again remind someone that God sees you.  You could be the one sitting on the outside of everyone else, alone and in despair.  You could be ready to throw in the towel, hopeless and ready to exit the life you have right now.  God sees you.  God sees you right where you are, and He is saying to you "don't give up.  I am with you.  I see you."  He sees your heart.  He sees your sorrow.  He sees your pain.  He sees your desires.  He sees your secrets.  He sees all of you and still, he loves you. Right now, I believe that God has extended to you His hand and is saying once again, "I see you."

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