Thursday, July 23, 2015

Just Around The Corner 2

We were brought to the  book of Joshua by Minister Anita.  As I call the name Joshua my mind starts a list:
Joshua, Son of Nun.
Joshua, Successor to Moses.
Joshua strong and courageous as commanded by the Lord.
Joshua who stayed close to God,  obeying His every word.
Joshua who faced his corners with a faith that matured as He walked with God.

Are you like a Joshua?  I ask myself how did he do this?  Well it really is very simple.  He trusted God and believed His promise.  What was the promise you ask? I am happy to oblige in answering.  God told him,  I will not leave you nor forsake you.  Is that not what we want to hear?  Has this not been the same words that God has said to us?  Beloved Joshua was able to do all that he did because he was with God and God was with him. That equation is guaranteed to bring about a good end 100% of the time.

You might say to yourself I am not like Joshua. You think I have been on the shady side of things,  The truth is I have not been good and my life is really a mess.  I have a past that is dark and dirty.  Then my friend, look at Rahab.  Her list is as follows:
Rahab, Prostitute.
Rahab, Enemy/Spy hider.
Rahab, Liar.

If I stopped here it would leave you hopeless, but let's look deeper.
Rahab, Help to the Israelites
Rahab,  Converted to God
Rahab, Married and Mother of Boaz.
Rahab, mother-in-law to Ruth
Rahab, Great times many Grandmother to David
Rahab, in the lineage of Jesus, Messiah, The Anointed One - Christ.

She had no idea that around the corner was salvation. Not just for her but her entire family.  God does not discriminate against a heart that is repentant. My friends I believe the word of God from the book of Joshua is for you  today.  I believe  that it is a map to guide you around your corner.  Get in it. Pray it.  Believe  it. As God told Joshua, do not depart from it, looking neither to the right or to the left and wherever you go you will prosper.

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