Friday, July 24, 2015

Just Around The Corner 3

Just Around the Corner part 3. The question has been posed,  what  is around the corner?  At first response I answered "I don't know". Who does?  God in His infinite wisdom has sent his word. Ecclesiastes 3 begins as such  For everything there is a season,  a time for every activity under the sun.  From verses 1-8 Solomon,  son of David,  gives us a list of things that could happen. For every high there was a low. And so today I say that what is around the corner is all of these. For you it may be the high or perhaps the low. However we are assured that there is a season of both.  I know that most of us hate the winters of our lives,  but it is needed.  God is not concerned with just our lives here but He is making us ready for eternity. 

Solomon continues his reflection in verse 11 to say this Yet God has made everything beautiful in its time. He has planted eternity in the human heart,  but even so,  people cannot see the whole scope of God's work from beginning to end. Here lies our problem. Solomon has captured the root of our angst.  We cannot see the whole scope. My friends it takes faith to believe that God intends for us to have a good end. Just around the corner means that we rejoice in  wherever we find ourselves now. 

James,  the brother of Jesus knew this truth.  He writes in the very 1st chapter "count it all joy when you fall into various trials..." He understood that there was a much bigger picture that we could not see. He understood that there was and is beauty in all things that God is doing. He got the point of God perfecting us from the inside out.

Friends life is beautiful even with the tears and the sorrow. Life is more than songs and laughter.  We get everything in the span of our life time.  I therefore besseech you to hold on to the hand of Christ.  He says He will not leave nor forsake us. He is with you now and will be with you around the corner.

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