Thursday, July 23, 2015

Just Around The Corner

Just Around the corner. This is the theme on the Embrace prayer line. Min C Taffe brought a word that causes us to search ourselves.  Her word was Forerunner.  If I asked you the name of such a person in the Bible I bet not many,  if any would have said Elizabeth.  She was the person behind the scenes.  She was the forerunner to Mary,  carrying in herself the forerunner to Jesus.  In Luke 1, we are able to see what happened when Gabriel came with a message to this family.  He had a message of what was to happen around a corner of their life. But Min. Taffe highlighted  a few things.  There was an alignment of purpose between Elizabeth and Zachariah.  Friends who are you aligned with?  Are they apart of the promise or the pull of distraction?  Luke tells us in verse 6 that they were righteous,  walking in all the commandments and ordinances of the Lord. BLAMELESS. Can this be said of us? Yet the bible says they had no child. They were missing their hearts desire. They called her Barren. But just around the corner was fruitfulness.  Just around the corner was a wonderful change. Elizabeth was about to  be used in a plan that she never imagined.  It was so big that God would not allow her husband to speak death to it. Friends are you cursing yourself when God says you are blessed?
Elizabeth had a purpose that was for a nation.  What ever God has for you my friends is not just so you can enjoy and keep to yourself.  Your gifts are for a nation. It may be your house  or job or school.  It is more than just to make you happy.  Are you willing to be the forerunner for someone else? Are you willing to be behind  the scene? What you say now will determine how you respond to whatever is just around the corner.💕

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