Monday, December 14, 2015

I don't mind waiting?

Wait and again I say wait on the Lord. This verse from David the psalmist has come to mind as I sit waiting on a word about my sister. The o.r. waiting room is not exactly plush in their furnishings or accommodations. So to say that I am lying in the lap of luxury would be quite the stretch. Still it is warm and I am seated. I was at least smart enough to pack a couple sandwiches as parking will eat up all my extra funds. And so we wait. And wait. With every medical person that enters the room we all look up hoping that we are the family member they seek to find And say "surgery complete and on to recovery".  

It has me thinking of waiting on the Lord. David wrote that and I believe it was as much for himself as it is for us today. He knew how hard it gets sometimes to be still and wait. Your flesh wants to act and the frustration is intense when there is nothing you can do. It brings to mind the lyrics of a song "I don't mind waiting" sang by Juanita Bynum.  I have sang it a time or two but I lied all the way through.

I do mind waiting. I hate waiting in lines. I hate waiting in this waiting room. I hate waiting on God to fulfill his promises. I want what I want right now.
I shocked myself just now. Do you know that as the thought surfaced I wondered why? I wanted to pretend to be a lot more patient and showing fruit of long suffering but Holy Spirit only leads you to all truth. I hate waiting. I do mind it. God help me.

Sigh. Now that that is out here is The truth.  As much as I want instant solutions and immediate fulfillment of promises I want my way even less. I don't want anything that I can do or make happen on my own. I want His best and His will to be done. I want His direction and His good gift. I want His way and not my way.

So yes I will wait. I will wait on the Lord and allow Him to strengthen my heart. I will wait on Him and pray that He will show me how to wait with courage. I will be brave in my waiting when there is nothing I can do and even when there is something. I am choosing to wait on him even though I don't like it. I will wait until I can sing the lyrics "I don't mind waiting" and have it be true and not lie.

Beloved here is the word, read and be encouraged: "wait on the Lord; be of good courage and he shall strengthen thine heart: wait, I say, on the Lord." (Psalm 27:14).

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