Sunday, December 13, 2015

I once was lost

On the eve of my sister's surgery my clan got together to offer her support. I could hear the laughter from upstairs and so I ran to join in the humor. Besides my brother had just told me about my Sis in law getting lost 5 minutes away from home.  We laughed at her lack of direction in a place that was supposed to be so familiar. Our laughter grew even louder when our mom confessed that she got lost on her way back from work taking a route she travelled on every day. She was so confused as to her where about she stopped an ambulance that was passing by her parked car. They both said they were unable to see because it was dark. Nice try ladies.

While we may laugh at their late night direction mishaps I can't help but think about how this parallels the lives of so many people. I think of all those people that are lost without Jesus. He is light but they are blinded by the darkness. The bible says the prince of this world has blinded the eyes of the unbeliever. Yet Jesus gives us sight.  He has mapped out a route for all our lives but instead we opt to go our own way. Some of us get so caught up in our own world we can't see what is right before us - Jesus.

Beloved I am here to tell you that you don't have to be lost anymore. My family members are safely home and you can be too. Home is where Jesus is and He wants to dwell on your heart. (Ask my 3year old grand-niece, she will tell you Jesus is in her heart).  When you don't know what to do or where to go, look up beyond the hills and see the help. Jesus is the way the truth and the life. Come to Him and be found.

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