Thursday, February 1, 2018

Dead men's bones

In reading through Matthew, a first for me, I found that Jesus did not water down the truth.  He really didn't care who he offended. In fact he offended a lot of people.  He just didn't stay silent nor was he always politically correct.  (Well let me say that term used to mean a lot more in the old days but not the way things are now in politics, where everything and anything goes.)  He spoke whatever the Father said about sin. He didn't condemn, but to those who had an ear to hear he spoke words to bring them to the way, the truth and the life. 

In one such incident he spoke to the religious leaders of the time.  Oh they were a puffed up bunch.  In fact he described them as graves.  They looked great on the outside but inside they were the houses of dead men's bones.  Ouch!  They were hypocrites, pretending to be for God when in truth their hearts were far from Him.  They were oppressors, requiring more from the people than God intended.  They were fame seekers, looking only to be lauded and praised for their knowledge and position.  They were blind, unable to see that they needed to be saved.  They were deaf, unable to hear the Word of truth.  They were dumb, unable to process the simple and uncomplicated gospel of Jesus Christ.  They were children of their father, the Devil and they didn't even know it.

Now I don't say all of that to throw stones.  In reality, this is cause for us to examine ourselves.  Are we like that?  Have we walked away from our first love?  Are we graves of dead men's bones because inside we are dead to Christ?  I am just praying that Holy Spirit will never leave me, but always search me out and see the evil within so that it can be purged.  My friends, now is a good time to fall on our faces and repent.  Now is a good time to say Lord, help me to live for you cause I don't want to be a "dead man walking".

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