Thursday, February 8, 2018

I am...

I am 43 y/o. 
I am living in a home with my Mom, two single sisters and my son.
I am working at the same company for over 15 years.
I am single with no prospect on the horizon at this time.

I am overweight. I struggled all my life with this battle, gaining victories that got swallowed up.
I am not the girl that is in the mirror, and I wonder often who she is....oh where is young me?
I am ordinary in appearance, if I am really honest. I have nothing spectacular of which I can boast.
I am simple and I am content with this style of me.

I am sure by now you are tempted to feel sorry for me.
I am however going to encourage you not to engage in sorrow - not for me loved ones.
I am all of the above but I saved the best for last.
I am all that and so much more.

I am loved.
I am chosen.
I am saved.
I am born again.

I am wonderfully, marvelously and perfectly made in His image.
I am a royal priesthood.
I am a daughter of the King, not just a King, but THE KING of KINGS.
I am weak and yet strengthened by a power that is outside of me and inside of me all at once.

I am His and He is mine. 
I am His beloved.
I am IN the I AM that I AM, who calls me out by name.
I am ME, and have discovered, not too late, that I AM ENOUGH.

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