Tuesday, May 22, 2018

Dear God...My heart is breaking

Dear God,

       It seems that I am always in need of Your help.  I cannot seem to walk this path alone.  I thank you for being mindful of me.  I thank you for inviting me to your throne of grace again and again.

       Today God it's not for me.  Lord my son is broken hearted.  The sting of rejection has struck him again and his heart breaks – again.  Lord, I cannot remain detached from this for my heart breaks for him also. 

       As I go through this with him I feel sure that as our Father, who art in Heaven you weep with us as well. I am confident that when we are in sorrow, your heart is moved for us.  Lord, I am not a better parent than you.  In fact, I believe that it is because your spirit dwells within me that I am even able to sorrow with him. Your love motivates me and makes me better than I was before.

       Father, the month of June approaches and I know this truth may be over looked or made so simple we miss the weight of it. So Lord I pray that as we look to honor father’s we remember that you are the "Good, Good Father".  You love us unfailingly and will not turn away the one who seeks after you with all their heart. You Father, will not despise those that are of a broken heart.  You are the One who is able to mend and make as new. 

       So to the real # ONE DAD I entrust to You the heart of my son and all those that are grieving now in their days of woe.  In Jesus name,   Amen.

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