Tuesday, May 29, 2018

Standing on the promises of God

I’m waiting.

I’m waiting in the court house for a hearing of which my family member is accused.

I’m waiting across the room from the accuser.

I’m waiting and it is hard.

I’m at the beginning and I don’t know how it will end.

I’m ignorant of the process and afraid of the unknown.

I remember that God says He will keep me in perfect peace as I stay my mind on Him.

I remember that He is my counsellor and my defender.

I remember that He says be still and know Him.

I remember His promises and today I need them to anchor me.

I need the strength and refuge that is only found in Him.

I don’t know what to do.

So I trust Him. I trust Him with blinded eyes. I trust Him with my family.

I trust Him at all times.

He is my rock and salvation.

I stand upon His promises!

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