Thursday, May 17, 2018

Waiting on my spouse

I’m sure by the many blogs I’ve read that I’m not unique in anything I’m about to say.  

                   I want to get married.

In this century. While I’m able to walk and talk with strength and vigor. I want a husband.  Now having this desire is not a bad thing. I know God has not taken it away and He says He will give me the desires of my heart.

Here is the thing, how do I wait, without murmuring to myself, or anyone else that will listen?
How do I continue to delight myself in the Lord without being a closet grumbler of my status in life?  My co-worker thinks I am being melodramatic?  He says, what are you talking about?  Perhaps you will think the same. I am not taking that away from you.  Critique me silently. :-)  Still my questions need answers.

Maybe what I need to do is read less inspirational novels where the lady is always found by that man that can't live without her.  Sigh.  Maybe I need a reality check and these books are clearly not helping.  They tell me about Ruth. Keep working in the fields daughter - your Boaz will find you. 
Well, I am not exactly looking for someone old enough to be my Dad but I digress.  Ruth and Boaz story is beautiful.  It certainly is better than the drama of Hosea and Gomer.   Yikes - that was not a good match. 

Maybe I need to just bask in the season of my singleness and find myself in the process.  My concerns are that I am getting older and I seem more set in my ways about certain things. AM I to be the old dog (not that I am a dog) having to learn a new trick?  I feel the race with gravity has a clear winner and it is not me or what used to be the best parts about me.  I see the gray that no CLAIROL can cover and the lines that MAC has yet to make disappear.  So you see, I am just a bit distracted in this season of singleness.

Now by now, some of you might be thinking she has lost it.  Yet, might I ask you your marital status?  Single of coupled?  Ahhhh.  I see.  I thought that would be your answer.

I don't know what I need to do to make this angst go away.  I sing and praise....Praise and Pray and still when I say AMEN it comes right back the next day.   I am not alone. There is another person feeling as I do...I just know it.

So here is what counsellor and Spirit of God now says to me.  Be anxious for nothing.    Oh isn't He so kind to allow me to vent all the above only to sweetly remind me of His truth.  Here, in this Word of truth I am able to exhale.  Still waiting on my spouse but now remembering God's got it covered.


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