Monday, October 8, 2018

Draw Nigh Unto God

I am thankful.  Today is thanksgiving and a good as any day to begin thinking of all my blessings. I am blessed in the city and in the fields.  I am blessed when I come and when I go. I am blessed in the days of sunshine and when the night seems forever long.  I am blessed and for that I am thankful.


To be honest, I don’t always see the blessings as clear as I do today.  I don’t always see the evidence of Gods handiwork in my life.  I often times see only the things that I don’t have and what isn’t going right in my eyes.  Sigh.  I don’t want this to be my outlook. This is a new season – a new day.  I want to be the one who sees the glass as God intended.  I was about to type that I want to see the glass as half full and not half empty.  However, I think the best way to see things is as God does – whatever that may look like.  I want my eyes to be framed by His lenses and my ears to be attuned to His voice.  I want my word to be His word and not my own.  I want to be the girl that breathes out every breath with the awareness of my saviour always about me.


Don’t you see? This is the only way that I can maintain the heart of gratitude that will extend beyond October’s Thanksgiving Day. I want more and I am sure you do as well.  I am sure you want the heart of God to beat within your breast as I do.  So, how do we achieve this?  Draw nigh unto the One whom we crave to be like the most.  He says draw nigh unto me and I will draw nigh unto you. So let us take a step towards Him…you and me.  We will not be disappointed. We will not be put to shame.  Instead we will find that all we seek and need is to be found in Him – Jesus Christ Our Lord.

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