Wednesday, November 28, 2018

In His Presence

I'm sitting here in my den and am so overwhelmed by the presence of God. 

I am not doing a bible study.
I am not praying or singing or anything like that.

Right here, in the midst of my everyday life and tasks God's presence is with me.

I don't know how to explain it but I realize that God really is inside of me.  Greater is here - in me and He delights in me as I delight myself in Him.  I am downloading songs unto some USBs and watching a movie yet, I find myself pausing to say "God  I love you".  I am sipping mint tea and curled up on my sofa in my favorite night dress and again I find myself saying "God I love you".

I am not alone in this love talk.  He responds and that is what I feel.  Perhaps He didn't respond but actually initiated it.  Whatever and however it is doesn't really matter.  All I know is in His presence, and I am, there is an outpouring of love that is unmatched; there is a freedom that is beyond words; there is  a wonderful knowing that I belong; there is a me and there is a HIM.  In His Presence I am who I am meant to be - and you my friend can be there as well.  Join Him - He awaits you even now.

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