Wednesday, January 16, 2019

A Disciplined Life Is A Godly Life

I want to live a disciplined life.

I do not want to that woman - without self control and restraints.

I do not want to be like a city without walls - exposed, vulnerable to every attack and left as a sitting duck to any prey.

I do not want to be carried away by the whims and wind of anything that blows my way.

 I want to be a woman of discipline and firm convictions.

I want my eyes to be steadily fixed on the goal before me - Godliness equalling to Holiness.

I want it all - everything that God has for me.    He in fact wants to give it all if my life is disciplined; not out of control, not immature, not untrustworthy.

I want to be a woman who does not despise correction and is then counted as a fool in my rejection of God's loving chastening.

I want to be willing to work hard in restraints to bring about self control.

I want to be a woman who wisely partners with the Holy Spirit who is able to pull out of me fruit of the Spirit.

I want to be disciplined, living the life God intended for me from before the foundations of the earth were established.

I want to be the woman who illustrates in LIFE OUT LOUD that a disciplined life is a Godly life.

 Proverbs 25:28- ESV

A man without self control is a like a city broken into  and left without walls.

Only God's Plan Will Stand

I had a plan.
I had a way that I was sure of
I had the answer to the question.

Only I discovered
That my plan couldn't stand.
My way was no way
Nothing went that way
My answers never answered
They only brought along my questions

So where have all this left me?
Where I should have been
From the very beginning
On my knees, surrendering
All to my King.

Only His plans will stand.
No-one can annul or erase
Whatever is His will.
This I discovered is really a good thing.

His way is perfection
It is excellence beyond our expectation
He is the answer to any question
Asked or unasked it will still be the same

Only God's plan will stand.

Tuesday, January 15, 2019

Joy to the world by Sarah Binda

Now I know we are past the Christmas season. If you are like my family, the tree with all the trimmings have been packed away as we are well into January of a new year.  However, I still think that this message of Joy remains relevant. 

My friend Sarah spoke to our church one Sunday morning and I was impacted by what she said...finding joy in my world.  I wanted to share some of her notes so that you too can receive a reigniting of the joy in your world.

Joy to the World?

By: Sarah Binda


Have you ever heard the Christmas song “In the Bleak Mid-Winter”?  It goes “In the bleak mid-winter frosty wind, made moan/ Earth stood hard as iron, water like a stone.” We used to sing it at my choir’s Christmas concert and I always thought it was one of the most depressing Christmas songs I had ever heard. As a child, I had always thought of Christmas as a happy and joyous time, and I would have enjoyed singing “Joy to the World” at the concerts much more.


The word “bleak” has really been resonating with me recently. The world has seemed bleak to me, I see articles about crime rates being up, the political climate becoming more hostile, the literal climate becoming more volatile, and attacks on people around the world for what they believe; it just seems to go on and on. Where has the “Joy to the World” gone?

How do I in this coming year overcome the “bleak” and embrace the “Joy to the World” version of myself? I don’t mean to ignore what is happening in the world or in my life, but to look for the joy in any situation. Hebrews 12:2 says, “fixing our eyes on Jesus, the pioneer and perfecter of faith. For the joy set before him he endured the cross, scorning its shame, and sat down at the right hand of the throne of God.”


Look to Jesus

In order to find joy in this world, I must look towards the One who has saved us all. Although Jesus knew the pain He was going to endure, He also saw the larger reward. He saw you and I and the hope His sacrifice would bring to us. Instead of seeing the “bleak” in His situation, He saw the joy that His turmoil would bring the world. There are countless examples of figures in the Bible who saw the joy in the darkest of situations.


I would say that we all should aim to see the joy even in the bleakness. It is a choice to see the joy and the hope that having a relationship with Jesus brings us. The joy of knowing that we are unconditionally loved, valued and have a purpose in Him. Although this world may look bleak, we have Jesus protecting us with His love and grace and a heavenly home to look forward to.


Help Others

Knowing that we have a heavenly home is wonderful, but what about now, how do I find joy in the present, in the situation that I am currently in? How do I go from seeing the bleak to the joy? Ecclesiastes 3:12-13 says “I know that there is nothing better for people than to be happy and to do good while they live. That each of them may eat and drink, and find satisfaction in all their toil—this is the gift of God.” It is often difficult to see past our own turmoil. Our burdens have a tendency to weigh us down. The struggles that we are facing may feel so acute, so enormous that we do not even know where to start. According to this scripture, God wants us to be happy, but there is an important conjunction in that scripture, and, it connects us to the “too do good while they live”. 


God has put in us a need to help others, and when we fulfill that need we find satisfaction and happiness. Sometimes it may feel like we are too busy to take on anything else, but it is important to make time to contribute and help. I had an extremely busy summer, and the months beforehand had been a very difficult time for my family. I was not in a place where I felt like I could be of service to anyone, far less be joyful. Yet, at the beginning of the year I had planned a trip with some friends to do volunteer work in New York at the beginning of the summer. I wanted to cancel. It felt like everything in my life was telling me not to go but I went. We spent a week, cleaning homeless shelters, serving food, assisting with a church building project and many other activities. It was amazing. The people I was helping thought that I was doing something for them, when in fact with each conversation, with each meal served, with each floor cleaned, I felt my burdens getting lighter.


Volunteering gave me perspective, it reignited my passion to serve others, and it brought joy back into my life. It is important to serve others, not only can it provide you with some clarity and restore your joy but it provides us with an opportunity to spread God’s love.


Our trials lead to joy

It is God’s gifts to us that even though we might face difficulties that we have to work hard to overcome, at the end of all of it there will be satisfaction; there will be joy. We do not face difficult times because the world or God is against us, we face them so that we may grow and find contentment in our lives. James 1:12 tells us that “12 Blessed is the one who perseveres under trial because, having stood the test, that person will receive the crown of life that the Lord has promised to those who love him.” We can find hope in knowing that at the end of struggle there will be joy.


One of the realities of the time we live in is that finding a job in your field of study can be very difficult. I had spent five years in school, completing my undergrad and then completing another degree, I was ready to work. I was sending out resumes like they were flyers and I was hearing nothing back. I went several months without a job, which was discouraging. When I finally did get employed it was made so much sweeter because I knew that God was being faithful. If it had been easy I may not have appreciated, or worked as hard as I did to prove that I was the most qualified person for the position. My time of trial lead to not only a paycheck, and a better understanding of God’s faithfulness but it also brought so much joy.


This time of year holds a different meaning to each individual, but we often look towards the future. Instead of seeing all the things that could go wrong, I am choosing to look for all the things that could go right. I encourage you to do the same. Satisfy your soul by fellowshipping, gathering a group of friends, and doing something good. What good is the reward of heaven without some sacrifice here on earth? Allow yourself to be used by God this year, bringing joy to the world while you can.

I won't let go unless you bless me

This morning on the Embrace prayer line, I was listening to the story of Jacob.  The theme this week is about Discovering your blessings and he was first up on the spot light seat.  The bible says that this man wrestled with God.  Genesis 32:22-30 tells us how Jacob sent everyone away and he was alone.  In that alone time, a man from out of nowhere came and they wrestled. 


Jacob at some point in the wrestle realized that this was no ordinary man. This was not like a wrestle with his brother or his uncle. This was a wrestling with God.  Now, I always thought of wrestling as a bad thing.  I feel that somewhere along the line I have been taught that to ask questions of God, to go back and forth, to wrestle with Him was a big no no.  However, this morning as the presenter spoke it occurred to me that there was no condemnation from the man.  He in fact seems to be impressed at the prevailing of Jacob.  He was so impressed He changed the trajectory of Jacob's life. 

He changed his name from Jacob the trickster to Israel the prince of God.  Right there in that place, where Jacob was alone and tousled and maybe even now in pain from his all night prevailing he blessed him.  He could let go now - he received what he most desperately wanted and valued - the blessing of the Lord. 


Jacob did not give up, even when the hour was late. He did not give up when the night had ended and day was set to break. Jacob was living with a stolen blessing but in the wrestling he received his own.  Today, I learnt that we each have a blessing with our name on it.  I don't have to envy yours and you don't have to desire mine.  The question is, are we willing to "wrestle" for it.


Are we willing to lay claim to what God has already prepared for us - not your brother, not your mother nor father - YOU.  Beloved, I pray that you will wrestle  your will into submission to God's will.  I pray that you will hold fast to Him, pouring out your heart to Him and being the one that says I will not let go!  God, who is our refuge really does want to bless us.  This loved ones is a good thing.  According to His word His blessings makes us "rich" and adds no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22).  His blessings are there for you to discover, if only you are willing.

"...But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."" Genesis 32:26 NIV