Wednesday, January 16, 2019

A Disciplined Life Is A Godly Life

I want to live a disciplined life.

I do not want to that woman - without self control and restraints.

I do not want to be like a city without walls - exposed, vulnerable to every attack and left as a sitting duck to any prey.

I do not want to be carried away by the whims and wind of anything that blows my way.

 I want to be a woman of discipline and firm convictions.

I want my eyes to be steadily fixed on the goal before me - Godliness equalling to Holiness.

I want it all - everything that God has for me.    He in fact wants to give it all if my life is disciplined; not out of control, not immature, not untrustworthy.

I want to be a woman who does not despise correction and is then counted as a fool in my rejection of God's loving chastening.

I want to be willing to work hard in restraints to bring about self control.

I want to be a woman who wisely partners with the Holy Spirit who is able to pull out of me fruit of the Spirit.

I want to be disciplined, living the life God intended for me from before the foundations of the earth were established.

I want to be the woman who illustrates in LIFE OUT LOUD that a disciplined life is a Godly life.

 Proverbs 25:28- ESV

A man without self control is a like a city broken into  and left without walls.

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