Tuesday, January 15, 2019

I won't let go unless you bless me

This morning on the Embrace prayer line, I was listening to the story of Jacob.  The theme this week is about Discovering your blessings and he was first up on the spot light seat.  The bible says that this man wrestled with God.  Genesis 32:22-30 tells us how Jacob sent everyone away and he was alone.  In that alone time, a man from out of nowhere came and they wrestled. 


Jacob at some point in the wrestle realized that this was no ordinary man. This was not like a wrestle with his brother or his uncle. This was a wrestling with God.  Now, I always thought of wrestling as a bad thing.  I feel that somewhere along the line I have been taught that to ask questions of God, to go back and forth, to wrestle with Him was a big no no.  However, this morning as the presenter spoke it occurred to me that there was no condemnation from the man.  He in fact seems to be impressed at the prevailing of Jacob.  He was so impressed He changed the trajectory of Jacob's life. 

He changed his name from Jacob the trickster to Israel the prince of God.  Right there in that place, where Jacob was alone and tousled and maybe even now in pain from his all night prevailing he blessed him.  He could let go now - he received what he most desperately wanted and valued - the blessing of the Lord. 


Jacob did not give up, even when the hour was late. He did not give up when the night had ended and day was set to break. Jacob was living with a stolen blessing but in the wrestling he received his own.  Today, I learnt that we each have a blessing with our name on it.  I don't have to envy yours and you don't have to desire mine.  The question is, are we willing to "wrestle" for it.


Are we willing to lay claim to what God has already prepared for us - not your brother, not your mother nor father - YOU.  Beloved, I pray that you will wrestle  your will into submission to God's will.  I pray that you will hold fast to Him, pouring out your heart to Him and being the one that says I will not let go!  God, who is our refuge really does want to bless us.  This loved ones is a good thing.  According to His word His blessings makes us "rich" and adds no sorrow (Proverbs 10:22).  His blessings are there for you to discover, if only you are willing.

"...But Jacob replied, "I will not let you go unless you bless me."" Genesis 32:26 NIV


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