Thursday, March 21, 2019

What would it look like to trust God?

It's 5am and I'm driving my mom to work. On the radio a speaker I never heard before is in the radio. He is talking about Nehemiah and his stance in God. He is talking about Hebrews faith chapter. He is reminding me that God's purpose is not for me to be good but to trust Him.

It touches a chord within me as that word Trust is repeated. God is speaking. Often times I try hard to be good. I try to do the right thing. I try to be and do what I think I should have done. However just as Jesus said no one is good but God. I must face the truth and that is I will never be 💯.

What God is asking of me is more straightforward and attainable. Trust him. So the speaker asks the question that I should always ask myself. "What would it look like to trust God?"

What does it look like to trust him for my provision? What does it look like to trust him for a husband; trust him for my healing; my children; my job; my life and all it entails?

It has caused me to stop because I realize that trusting Him is having faith in Him. That is what pleases Him. That is what causes Him to be unashamed to call Himself my God, just as He did for Abraham Isaac and Jacob. To trust Him means to be sure of the things I don't see because I believe what God has said. Faith is the substance of things hoped for, the evidence of things not seen.

I will trust Him!

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