Tuesday, December 31, 2019

Happy New Year

In case I forget to say this later, let me begin with Happy New Year!

As I look at those three words strung together I see them each individually.  Happy. New.  Year.

Happy.  If we examine this word from any dictionary we would see meanings such as "feeling or showing pleasure or contentment".  It is "having a sense of confidence or satisfaction in or with something or someone". Happy is a word used to describe a moment - a feeling.  We have sang about it in many ways and over the many decades this world has existed. Smiley face - happy.  Frown face - not happy.

New.  I would summarize it in just a few words - Not old.  Fresh. Never before seen or experienced.  Brand new.  We understand that clearly as most of us have been so blessed to be the owner of something "brand new" - not formerly used by anyone else.  We have had things, ideas thoughts etc that are for us new; never heard of before - never tried - never seen.  New.  

Year. In our world, a year is a passing through of twelve months.  More than that it represents time.  it represents days, weeks, months.  It holds within it an accumulation of seconds minutes and hours that all pass into the next and the next to complete the cycle.  A year - a framed time.  A year - expectations bundled up in the next 365 days that will stamp what was done or not done.  A year. 

In light of this, I would like to really ask you to choose what 2020 will be for you.  It offers to us the possibilities to be satisfied and content.  Paul said I have learnt (emphasis on the word learnt) how to be content in whatever state he finds himself.  Choose also to be contented my friends.  Choose to be happy regardless of what you face. 

Choose to go into 2020 with an openness for new experiences.  You have never lived those days before.  Remember God took the people of Israel to a place they had never been before.  He gave them new experiences, opened their eyes to things they had never before imagined.  He fed them manna from heaven and parted the Red Sea.  God is able to do for you new things if you are willing.

Choose to see the calendar as days of wonder.  Let it be a time span for the greatness of God to be manifested and experienced.

Happy New Year.  Hallelujah!

Monday, December 30, 2019

Joy Comes In the Morning

Today a friend of mine has returned to her Caribbean island to bury her son.  This Christmas was marked with the sorrow of his death - gone way too soon.  She sits today, dressed in the color of royalty, a beautiful royal blue, burying a prince that should have aged to maturity but never did and never will. 

Her story is not unlike other mothers who have lost children; the pain that she feels mirrors that of any mom who has lost a beloved child. The mercy of her story is that he got a chance to say Mom I love you and I am sorry.  He was given breath before death to make it right with Jesus, so today the mourning is with hope.  She weeps with a promise of a tomorrow that will come to all of us.

He was a young man with a future that God said was filled with hope and prosperity.  Yet, he followed his cousin to an event that led to his death.  Gun shots that claimed his cousin's life months before also claimed the life of Sterphion Gilbert.  He never knew that day when he went against the sage advise of his mom that his life would end soon after.  A bullet was lodged in his neck, paralyzing him from the neck down.  He needed a miracle as doctors could not do anything for him.

For months he suffered.  His family suffered.  They were wearied and I believe that God was merciful and kind in taking him home. He got his house in order...he gave his life into the hands of God.  He made peace with the ones he loved.  He rests now in peace with Christ. 

There is therefore now no condemnation as he is in Christ. He has been ushered from his sorrow into joy.  On the day he died, he experienced his joy that comes with the morning. 

So even now, as those left behind mourn his loss, Sterphion sees the king.  Today he is in the better land and if we remain in Christ we will all see him again as our brother.  It is true, weeping endures only for a night and Joy comes in the morning.

Father, remember the family and friends of Sterphion who mourn in this season of his death. May they be comforted by your hands today and in the days ahead I pray in Jesus name.


Where was Jesus Born?

So at my church we have a Christmas concert yearly.  We get the kids all ready to show case their talents with plays, singing, dancing and on their different instruments.  It is usually very cute and the parents eat it up.  The church pews are filled with family members all snapping away pictures on their iPhones.  Its the most wonderful time of the year.  Okay, I am exaggerating a little or maybe a lot. 

However, this is not the focus of todays post.  It really is about a question that should have been a straightforward and easy one for all of us.  The MC asked the congregants "What was the name of the city where Jesus was born?"  Okay.  Tell me.  No cheating!

So the kids shouted out Nazareth.  Then one said Judea.  Another person shouted out City of David.  Then someone answered Bethlehem!!  All of which we were told no.  NO?!
What?  I shake my head and could literally kick myself for not speaking up and challenging what I knew was incorrect.  The MC told everyone that Jesus was born in....wait for it.

He said Jesus was born in Jerusalem!  Jerusalem?!  Seriously?

 I have to go back to my kids and tell them that Jesus was not born in Jerusalem.  He was born in Bethlehem which was the City of David.  So what does this tell me and you?   Check your facts.  Anyone can make a mistake - anyone and I include myself in this group as well. So it is important to know God's truth and to verify it straight from the source of truth - God's word.

He had pulled the questions from a site and he didn't fact check.  He even told us we need to get into the word for our selves.  Well, he is right and I would he also needs to get in the word for himself as well.  We all do.

So, where was Jesus born?  You got it - Bethlehem!!! 

Jesus is the reason

As I sit here I am singing in my head an oldie but goodie "And this Christmas will be, a very special Christmas for me..."  I believe it is called This Christmas and Chris Brown sings a version of it.  Although I don't know why I feel like Stevie Wonder might have done it prior.  Who knows?  Not me.  Anyway, this Christmas was special to me. 

We had breakfast as we usually do, but this year we had an unexpected guest.  My brother, God bless him, was able to convince my recalcitrant aunt to leave the house and attend our gathering.  She was surprised that she had a good time.  We ate, we laughed over Christmas trivia.  She got 3 out of 50 points and I promised her an honorary mention. 

We exchanged gifts with each other and then the boys left to their own corner.  So what was so special you ask?  What stood out from every other year we have met before?  Well, we remembered that the real reason for our gathering was not any of those time honored traditions we checked off our list.  It was about a savior that was born to die and who even now is present with us.  Yes beloved friends, I am talking about Jesus.

So we did what we never did before (and we are believers); we read the Christmas story from the gospel of Luke.  Then we prayed.  It was beautiful.  It was special.  It was Christmas.  I am so glad that the reason for the season was celebrated in my house this year.  I am so glad that His presence was center stage with the presents. 

Yes, Jesus is still the reason....