Monday, December 30, 2019

Where was Jesus Born?

So at my church we have a Christmas concert yearly.  We get the kids all ready to show case their talents with plays, singing, dancing and on their different instruments.  It is usually very cute and the parents eat it up.  The church pews are filled with family members all snapping away pictures on their iPhones.  Its the most wonderful time of the year.  Okay, I am exaggerating a little or maybe a lot. 

However, this is not the focus of todays post.  It really is about a question that should have been a straightforward and easy one for all of us.  The MC asked the congregants "What was the name of the city where Jesus was born?"  Okay.  Tell me.  No cheating!

So the kids shouted out Nazareth.  Then one said Judea.  Another person shouted out City of David.  Then someone answered Bethlehem!!  All of which we were told no.  NO?!
What?  I shake my head and could literally kick myself for not speaking up and challenging what I knew was incorrect.  The MC told everyone that Jesus was born in....wait for it.

He said Jesus was born in Jerusalem!  Jerusalem?!  Seriously?

 I have to go back to my kids and tell them that Jesus was not born in Jerusalem.  He was born in Bethlehem which was the City of David.  So what does this tell me and you?   Check your facts.  Anyone can make a mistake - anyone and I include myself in this group as well. So it is important to know God's truth and to verify it straight from the source of truth - God's word.

He had pulled the questions from a site and he didn't fact check.  He even told us we need to get into the word for our selves.  Well, he is right and I would he also needs to get in the word for himself as well.  We all do.

So, where was Jesus born?  You got it - Bethlehem!!! 

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