Monday, December 30, 2019

Joy Comes In the Morning

Today a friend of mine has returned to her Caribbean island to bury her son.  This Christmas was marked with the sorrow of his death - gone way too soon.  She sits today, dressed in the color of royalty, a beautiful royal blue, burying a prince that should have aged to maturity but never did and never will. 

Her story is not unlike other mothers who have lost children; the pain that she feels mirrors that of any mom who has lost a beloved child. The mercy of her story is that he got a chance to say Mom I love you and I am sorry.  He was given breath before death to make it right with Jesus, so today the mourning is with hope.  She weeps with a promise of a tomorrow that will come to all of us.

He was a young man with a future that God said was filled with hope and prosperity.  Yet, he followed his cousin to an event that led to his death.  Gun shots that claimed his cousin's life months before also claimed the life of Sterphion Gilbert.  He never knew that day when he went against the sage advise of his mom that his life would end soon after.  A bullet was lodged in his neck, paralyzing him from the neck down.  He needed a miracle as doctors could not do anything for him.

For months he suffered.  His family suffered.  They were wearied and I believe that God was merciful and kind in taking him home. He got his house in order...he gave his life into the hands of God.  He made peace with the ones he loved.  He rests now in peace with Christ. 

There is therefore now no condemnation as he is in Christ. He has been ushered from his sorrow into joy.  On the day he died, he experienced his joy that comes with the morning. 

So even now, as those left behind mourn his loss, Sterphion sees the king.  Today he is in the better land and if we remain in Christ we will all see him again as our brother.  It is true, weeping endures only for a night and Joy comes in the morning.

Father, remember the family and friends of Sterphion who mourn in this season of his death. May they be comforted by your hands today and in the days ahead I pray in Jesus name.


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